公仔杀人事件经媒体报道后,引发制作“楚其”的玩具公司对市场前景的担忧,玩具公司将楚其的残骸收回并加以修复,试图向股东证明杀人玩具不过是谣言一场,然而在修复完成时,楚其随即复活,它引发混乱,并最终逃脱。另一方面,安迪(艾力克斯·文森特 Alex Vincent 饰)和母亲分别接受心理治疗,一对好心夫妇暂时照顾安迪。根据灵魂转移的符咒要求,楚其如果要避免与公仔一同人格化的命运,就必须寄宿到第一个知晓它...
Different Drummers is based on a true story about two unusual boys in Spokane, Washington in the mid 1960s. In this more innocent time, when body builder Jack Lalanne ruled the airwaves, the two heroe...
克里斯汀(诺拉?格雷格 Nora Gregor 饰)跟女仆杰西(安?梅因 Anne Mayen 饰)探讨了男女之间友谊的话题。二人意见相左,但克里斯汀坚信异性友谊。因为她确有一位蓝颜知己——飞行员朱利(罗兰德?陶腾 Roland Toutain 饰)。他因为完成了23小 时飞越大西洋的壮举,成为了国家英雄,并公开表示出对克里斯汀的感情。朱利的朋友奥克塔夫对此颇有微词,因此叮嘱他千万不要在聚会越界。...
Colm is in his mid-forties, married, with two teenage children. Still grieving the death of his father, a destructive gure in his life, Colm struggles with his relationship to his own son, whilst at w...
大概是法国第一部描写女同志的故事片吧。 Olivia (also known as Pit of Loneliness) is a 1951 French film directed by Jacqueline Audry. It is based on the 1950 semi-autobiographical novel by Dorothy Bussy. It has been cal...
讲述了南非的一个白人小男孩和两个黑人服务员的故事。哈里是个在南非长大的白人小孩,山姆和威利是他家餐厅的两个服务员,哈里从小就跟他们感情很好,他们对哈里来说亦师亦友。哈里的父亲是个爱酗酒的残疾人,他要从医院回家的消息使得哈里心烦意乱。。。父亲强迫他听种族歧视的笑话,他因为父亲感到羞愧难忍,最终还是山姆帮他恢复了自信 This movie is of Hally, an adolescent wh...
1919. After fighting in WWI as a sniper Travis, now a Policeman in the vast empty spaces of northern Australia, loses control of an operation that results in the massacre of an Indigenous tribe. After...
公仔杀人事件经媒体报道后,引发制作“楚其”的玩具公司对市场前景的担忧,玩具公司将楚其的残骸收回并加以修复,试图向股东证明杀人玩具不过是谣言一场,然而在修复完成时,楚其随即复活,它引发混乱,并最终逃脱。另一方面,安迪(艾力克斯·文森特 Alex Vincent 饰)和母亲分别接受心理治疗,一对好心夫妇暂时照顾安迪。根据灵魂转移的符咒要求,楚其如果要避免与公仔一同人格化的命运,就必须寄宿到第一个知...